I choose white as the color of the month. White cause january start under white snow. Trees and roads are coveredof it... White cause it's the innauguration. White like a page to fill. White is the light who have in itself all the colors...

The white of january is about snow. She did that many people run to big stores to buy shovel and machinery. Resulting a penury of stock during the last hald of december.

California in that begin of january learn hardly that snow can be a drama. When the titles said 2 meters, i even read 3 meters! What can we do agains so much abondace? In Québec we ad more the opportunity to see the beauty of it...

From a lamp to another one. Ly show her lamp full of snow. I don't have one. So what. I show you my parent's lamp who is really proud of it's snow and Christmass ornements. And by the way Ly, it's funny recemtly that you mention doing the turn of your windows to show the snow. During holiday i did the same to show the beauty of it. Country have a beauty that the city can't compete... Considering the thematic, if you want to call a toast to my parents's health... I suggest you to do it with a cup of white ;)



When there is visitors, they can approach Kathy only if she want it. But you can be sure she will observ for a while cause when somebody came to my place, it's a little her place too :) For the top of the fridge she was observing our conversation. She do often the same as i cooking. At least she don't turn around my meal. I know one who will be very happy to see that photo. We find that mini-spy very cuty.

You can believe me that bike will stay there for a long time. Locked in double way. The human one and the second is the natural way :)


The water conduct are thirsthy for now. But it always return. The waiting make they will drink that much they will cry to stop!

And be carefull to say Fountain i will never drink your water. If you broke your promess you will have the tongue stick on it :)


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