02 : Shrimps with Indian Style  

Take note that here, after reading very fast a few recipes on the web, i simply did a personnal improvisation. It's fast, easy to do and it's so tastfull!




  • Some butter.
  • 1 or 2 yellow oignons.
  • 1 or 2 tea spoon of curry in powder.
  • 2 table spoon of garlic.
  • 1 big can of yellow peas.
  • 1 cup of shrimps.
  • 2 or 3 tomatoes in pieces.


  1. Cut the oignons in very small pieces and put them in the pan with the butter, the crunched garlic and the curry powder. Mix them sometime

  2. As the oignons lost some volume, add the tomatoes, the yellow peas and the schrimps. Mix sometime until the shrimps have a nice pink color.

  3. It's ready to serve and a naam bread (Indien bread) complete very well the meal.


As i don't have tomato i replace it by a cup of mild salsa dipp sauce. It was very good too. As i did again the same receipe, i used real tomatos. It taste better :)

Recently i try some Naam bread with complete weath (Like brown bread) Too dry! For toasts i enjoy brown bread but here i strongly suggest regular (with white flour) or garlic tasted... Infinitly better to taste!

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