Le Lac des Castors (at  the Mont-Royal)

You already heard about the Lac des Castors at the Mont-Royal top? I nice place for Tourists but for the locals too who just want to relax. I often go there too to relax but more to do some photos.

As i saw the place like that on my last visit, i had a deception to see all that swamp look.  If we heard this year about the deadly red seaweed on the St-Laurent river, last summer the green seaweed full of poison, i didn't heard about the condition of our little lake. When theyre is too much seaweed in a lake like that, he will dying sooner or later. Simply suffocing cause the vegetqation will capt all the oxygene.

For now persons are happy to see so many goldfish and duck. But goldfish are not natural into our lake. They simply replace the natural fish who were present before. For duck at least they are natural in Québec.

If you are an emotional person you better pass quicky my last image. That poor gull was shaking, if you can see the supplication into her eyes. I saw it just a few seconds cause she didn't have the power anymore to rease up her head. It was her last instants for sure. I tell a police about it as i saw her, i suggest too to a kid to not approach cause the bird was perhaps contagious.
It was not my happyest visit of the place. If i ask myself if they want to give to the lake a most natural aspect like a real pound... As i saw that poor bird, it convince me how much the lake is actually sick. At first second i believe that bird was dead so he was dirty! You see the evidence... the Lac des Castor was so much proud of it's apparence and healt before!

Nothing to seeNothing to see